유럽여행 핵심사전 lite

유럽여행 핵심사전 lite Free App

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* 유럽 여행 가기 전 꼭 알아야 할 여행 정보
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※ 이 Padbook은 ≪유럽여행 핵심사전 500≫ (ISBN 978-89-6618-599-3 (13980))의 일부분을 바탕으로 제작되었습니다.
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개발자 연락처 :
서울시 마포구 월드컵로 10길 56 * What does Europe go? Let's just check before you go!
* «Europe Travel critical pre-500» The lite version, you must know before a trip to Europe for more travel information!

▶ utilization
One. View Table of Contents: Table of Contents to jump at any time! And go directly to the page you want!
Two. Search for book content, I search through written notes from time to time to pick the desired information to yourself.
Three. Location-based services: Currently I am looking at a position near the recommended destinations is selected, move the page at a time! Please take advantage of local enhance your experience.
Four. Camera: Take photos directly in the pad can book it.
5. SNS: the page you want email, or Facebook to send out.
6. Notes: Notes are color-specific post-featured text search is also available. Each time the page is also necessary through a voice memo or try to record my appreciation.
7. Pen: The pen tool to use for each page, try striking a note.

▶ Contents
* You should know before a trip to Europe Travel Guide
- A trip to Europe when you like?
- What 's the trip to Europe like?
- Please inform the European tour of the recommended schedule
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- When traveling in Europe for a long period of time is something that should be checked is this?
- What should be noted that the trip to Europe this?

※ This Padbook the «Europe Travel critical pre-500» (ISBN 978-89-6618-599-3 (13980)) was designed on the basis of a part of.
«Europe Travel critical pre-500» The more you purchase the paid version yuryeop Travel You can meet the core dictionary.

How to Download / Install

Download and install 유럽여행 핵심사전 lite version 1.08 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.spindle.gilbut.gb04, download 유럽여행 핵심사전 lite.apk

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Version update 유럽여행 핵심사전 lite was updated to version 1.08
Version update 유럽여행 핵심사전 lite was updated to version 1.06
Version update 유럽여행 핵심사전 lite was updated to version 1.03
More downloads  유럽여행 핵심사전 lite reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

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