About HeartBeat Rate
Heart Beat Rate is a medical app for measure and monitor heart beat rate of patient or any living. It gives result in BPM(beats per minute) by using Smartphone’s internal motion sensors. It also shows live cardio graph on screen. Its calculation based on complex motion peaks and statistical analysis of motion sensor data. Heart beat monitor app converts your phone into cardiogram. You can use it easily anywhere and at any time in many places like office, hotels, home, inside, outside ,public places. conferences, natural calamities ,clinic, hospitals, personal use.
You can use pulse rate for checking your activeness, sickness, fitness, mood, health etc. You can measure it on different time for knowing and improving your efficiency. Or you can use it for fun at anytime.
It's never been easier to know what your heart rate is!without any external hardware,but just using this app you can get your heart beat rate
Recently we added reporting system. This will save your recent, hourly, daily and monthly readings of your heart beat. So you can analyze changes in your heart rate with these reports. So you can compare how your heart rate changes in morning and evening or during day and night in winter and summer etc.
You can try below listed fantastic ways with this Heartbeat rate app..
* Compare your heart rate before and after exercise, Yoga, Cycling, Running, gym , cardio , eating ,swimming etc.
* Check your Heart bit difference in Day and Night.
* Compare your Heart Beat with your family's heart rate.
* Compare your Heart Beat rate during angry mood and relax mood.
* Test your Heart Beat rate before and after food.
* Compare your Heart Beat rate of office, home and other places.
* Check Heart Beat rate level when crying.
* Do Heart Beat rate competition with your friends.
* Even you can measure your pet animal's Heart Beat rate with putting your phone on them.
* Its working on principle of vibration so you can utilize this app as vibration monitor and measurement.
* Try to measure change in your Heart Beat rate by drinking a cup of tea.
Heart Beat Rate App Features:
* Measure BPM (Beats per minute)
* Display live ECG /EKG (electrocardiograph)
* Shows basic calculation like current and errors
* One screen reading and ECG,
* It’s really free
* No camera and flashlight required.
How to use
* Press your phone with heart lightly or Balance your phone or instrument on single finger.
* If you have a big smart phone than hold it with one hand only.
* You can put it on your chest for better result.
WARNING: Its readings are not as much trust able as medical instrument. This is for fun only. Don’t take any serious health decision without your medical consultant's advice. Use of this app and smartphone is on own risk.