About سوق آدس للتسويق 2
سوق الإعلانات (سوق آدس)
البوابة الاعلانية الكبر في الوطن العربي
هو سوق الكتروني شامل لتسويق الإعلانات والمزادات المبوبة بأنواعها المختلفة,مرخص باسم ( سوق آدس للتسويق ) من وزارة الصناعة و التجارة اليمنية ترخيص رقم 3745 .. اول انطلاقة الكترونية للسوق في 10/10/2012 . يستطيع العضو المشترك في سوق الإعلانات التعريف بنشاطه التجاري أو سيرته الذاتية و الخدمات التي يقدمها مجاناً بصورة سهلة و سريعة للجمهور الذي له تواصل بالإنترنت. و بفضل برمجة السوق الحديثة و المتميزة فهي تمكن محركات البحث في الانترنت من التعرف على الإعلانات و العبارات التسويقية بصورة سريعة.
و بإمكان اصحاب الأنشطة التجارية الارتقاء بحملاتهم التسويقية عبر الاشتراك بالعضوية المميزة التي تمكنهم من اضافة اعلانات كثيرة بصورة مستمرة للمنتجات و الخدمات التي يقدمونها لعملائهم مقابل اشتراك سنوي رمزي فيسوق الإعلانات. بالإضافة إلى قيامهم بحملات تسويقية عبر الإعلانات المتوفرة في سوق الإعلانات بأنواعها الثلاثة (الفضية و الذهبية و الماسية) بأسعار معقولة و منافسة.
الإعلانات الفضية هي الإعلانات المحملة في شريط متحرك في الصفحة الرئيسية ل سوق الإعلانات .
أما الإعلانات الذهبية فهي اعلانات محملة في مساحات ثابتة على الجانب الأيمن و الأيسر لصفحات سوق الإعلانات.
و تتميز الإعلانات الماسية بموقعها المخصص في أعلى الصفحة الرئيسية في سوق الإعلانات.
بالاشتراك في سوق الإعلانات يستطيع كل عضو أن يزيد من حركة نشاطه التجاري ، و كذلك عرض خدماته لمن يحتاجها بأفضل العروض المتوفرة في السوق الإلكتروني.
نتمنى النجاح المستمر للجميع و الله الموفق.
SOUQADS is a comprehensive electronic marketing portal for classified advertisements and auctions of various kinds. SOUQADS ser can introduce his commercial activities, services or even upload his CV freely and easily into SOUQADS directory. Due to its excellent and updated programing, SOUQADS enables Internet search engines to identify the advertising phrases, and statements quickly and easily.
Business owners can upgrade their campaigns through their subscription for the special membership which gives them more space to upload more advertisements continuously for a nominal annual membership fee for SOUQADS More importantly, SOUQADS rovide its members with the chance of purchasing marketing campaigns through three different types of advertisements (silver, gold and, diamond) at reasonable and competitive prices. Silver advertisements are such ads that are loaded into a moving bar on the home page, golden ads are loaded into fixed spaces on the left and right sides of the SOUQADS pages, and diamond ads are loaded into fixed areas in the top of SOUQADS home page.
By your subscription in SOUQADS embership, you can increase your commercial activity, and introduce your services to the target audience getting the best offers available in the electronic market.
Good luck for all. Advertising market (eds market)
Portal Ad arrogance in the Arab world
It is a comprehensive electronic market for the marketing of classified ads and auctions of various kinds, on behalf of a licensed (eds market for marketing) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Yemen License No. 3745 .. The first launch of an electronic market in 10.10.2012. Joint User can in the commercial advertising market definition to his activity or his autobiography and services provided for free are easy and fast to the public, which has continued to the Internet started. Thanks to the modern market and premium programming It enables the search engines on the Internet to identify the advertising and marketing are fast ferries.
And owners of commercial activities can improve their campaigns across marketing distinctive membership subscription that will enable them to add many ads on an ongoing basis for the products and services they provide to their customers in exchange for a nominal annual subscription Viswq ads. In addition to their marketing campaigns available through ads in the advertising market three types (silver and gold and diamond) at reasonable prices and competition.
Silver ads are loaded with ads in a moving bar on the home page for the advertising market.
The gold ads are loaded with ads in a fixed space on the right side and left-hand pages of the advertising market.
And Diamond ads featuring allocated at the top of the main page in the advertising market location.
To participate in the advertising market can each member to increase the movement of his business, and also offered his services to those who need the best offers available in the online marketplace.
We wish continued success to all and God bless.
SOUQADS is a comprehensive electronic marketing portal for classified advertisements and auctions of various kinds. SOUQADS ser can introduce his commercial activities, services or even upload his CV freely and easily into SOUQADS directory. Due to its excellent and updated programing, SOUQADS enables Internet search engines to identify the advertising phrases, and statements quickly and easily.
Business owners can upgrade their campaigns through their subscription for the special membership which gives them more space to upload more advertisements continuously for a nominal annual membership fee for SOUQADS More importantly, SOUQADS rovide its members with the chance of purchasing marketing campaigns through three different types of advertisements (silver, gold and, diamond) at reasonable and competitive prices. Silver advertisements are such ads that are loaded into a moving bar on the home page, golden ads are loaded into fixed spaces on the left and right sides of the SOUQADS pages, and diamond ads are loaded into fixed areas in the top of SOUQADS home page .
By your subscription in SOUQADS embership, you can increase your commercial activity, and introduce your services to the target audience getting the best offers available in the electronic market.
Good luck for all.