About SO-01E 取扱説明書
(ダウンロード容量 約3.4MB) Not only can read the instruction manual, for example, be able to launch the app and setting screen from the page you are viewing, you can use it more conveniently SO-01E.
You can not start the other models for e Torisetsu of SO-01E for (manual).
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You can install to select [OK] appears as "Do you want to uninstall", [Installation] appears, tap the [installation], tap the [Accept and Download.
Please confirm the contents of the following prior to installation, please tap the [update] if you have you understand.
• When it is available for the first time, you need to download this application.
· There and download application, if a packet communication fee depends on separately at the time of renewal. I strongly recommend the use of packet flat-rate service for this.
(Download capacity about 3.4MB)
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com.somc.so01e.manual, download SO-01E 取扱説明書.apk