תהילים לבית קברות for Android
הפרט היחיד שחסר זה תפיחה לעילוי נשמת שנאמרת אחרי קריאת פרקי התהילים
צריך רק לעשות הגהות ולראות שאין טעויות הקלדה
מאד נח ויעיל. תודה!
תודה רבה על התוכנה מאוד עוזר אם יש אפשרות תוסיפו גם את תפילת אנא ה' מלא רחמים אשר בידך נפש כל חי שאומרים מיד אחרי אמירת התהילים תודה
Thank you to the developer for making this available. This app fills a very specific need for visitors to Jewish cemeteries who wish to honor their departed loved ones by reciting specific verses of Tehillim (Psalms) at the graveside. The specific verses are chosen by spelling out each letter of the departed person's Jewish name, in Hebrew characters, and reciting the Psalm that corresponds to that letter. The app makes it very easy to enter the person's name and instantly get a list of the appropriate Psalms, and also provides the blessings and prayers traditionally recited upon entering and departing from the cemetery, as well as the Mourner's Kaddish which would be recited in the presence of a quorum (ten men). Please be aware that to use this app, you must know the Hebrew name of the person you wish to commemorate, and enter it into the app by enabling the Hebrew keyboard through your device Settings.
You write the name and you obtain all psalms.
כל הכבוד , תבורך בכל מעשיך
כדאי להוסיף גם לספרדים שלא אומרים את הפרקים של התהילים לפני קיט ואמרים משניות וזוהר
כל הכבוד , תבורך בכל מעשיך
כדאי להוסיף גם לספרדים שלא אומרים את הפרקים של התהילים לפני קיט ואמרים משניות וזוהר
by T####:
Thank you to the developer for making this available. This app fills a very specific need for visitors to Jewish cemeteries who wish to honor their departed loved ones by reciting specific verses of Tehillim (Psalms) at the graveside. The specific verses are chosen by spelling out each letter of the departed person's Jewish name, in Hebrew characters, and reciting the Psalm that corresponds to that letter. The app makes it very easy to enter the person's name and instantly get a list of the appropriate Psalms, and also provides the blessings and prayers traditionally recited upon entering and departing from the cemetery, as well as the Mourner's Kaddish which would be recited in the presence of a quorum (ten men). Please be aware that to use this app, you must know the Hebrew name of the person you wish to commemorate, and enter it into the app by enabling the Hebrew keyboard through your device Settings.