About LottoEye
The probability of hitting the jackpot is equal for each combination of lottery numbers, but the expected value (in terms of money) does, in fact, depend on the chosen numbers. For example, hitting the UK Lotto jackpot with numbers 1-2-3-4-5-6 would force each winner to share the jackpot with approximately 10 000 other winners. This would mean that 3.8m jackpot would pay about 380£ for each winner. (see http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2301360/The-Lotto-numbers-avoid-Going-1-2-3-4-5-6-bring-tiny-windfall.html )
In general, small numbers tend to be more popular as well as number sequences.
The most important strategic element in lottery is actually the ability to pick the most unpopular numbers.
LottoEye provides an easy way of generating lottery numbers and simultaneously avoiding certain popular number patterns. LottoEye's random number generator is based on normal distribution and uses an algorithm, which automatically generates lottery numbers by avoiding number sequences and too many small numbers.
LottoEye is completely free of charge.
by B####:
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