About PMI Solo
PMI Solo - Mobile Apps, memberikan para relawan dan masyarakat luas tentang informasi terkini dan ruang komunikasi eksklusif:
1. Melaporkan bencana, dampak, korban,dan kebutuhan, yang dapat dilakukan baik oleh relawan PMI maupun masyarakat umum langsung dari lokasi kejadian
2. Mengetahui jumlah stock darah yang tersedia di PMI Solo
3. Mengetahui & mengikuti Jadwal donor darah Mobileunit yang diselengarakan di Solo dan sekitarnya
4. Mengupdate data pendonor PMI Solo via Android PMI Solo - Mobile Apps, providing the volunteers and the general public about the latest information and communication space exclusively:
1. Reporting disaster, the impact, the victim, and needs, which can be done either by Red Cross volunteers and the general public direct from the scene
2. Knowing the amount of blood stock available in PMI Solo
3. Know and follow the schedule Mobileunit blood drive held at the Solo and the surrounding
4. Updating the data donors PMI Solo via Android