Pelaksanaan UKG ini rencananya akan di lakukan pertahun, standart kelulusannya juga akan terus di tambah hingga target 8.0 pada tahun 2019. Untuk tahun 2016 sendiri pemerintah juga akan melaksanakan Tes Uji Kompetensi Guru selain untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengetahuan guru tes Ukg ini juga menjadi acuan untuk pemerataan guru di Indonesia. Dan yang lebih penting lagi kedepan tes UKG juga akan menjadi syarat Acuan untuk penentuan dan pencairan tunjangan guru.
Good day friends greeting one data, on this occasion we will share information on UKG 2016, the implementation of Competency Test Teacher (UKG) 2015 has been completed is implemented and the results can already be seen in person by each - each participant UKG when Test UKG completed in working on. For the passing standard UKG 2015 is 5.5, but the standard is still a lot of teachers who have not passed that will do a follow up such training or remedial actions.UKG implementation of this plan will be done annually, graduation standards will continue to be added to the target of 8.0 in 2019. For 2016 alone the government will also implement the Teacher Competency Testing in addition to determine the extent of teacher knowledge Ukg test is also a reference to equalization teachers in Indonesia. And more importantly, the next test will be a requirement UKG Reference for the determination and disbursement of teacher allowances.