Aplikasi Model Pembelajaran

Aplikasi Model Pembelajaran Free App

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About Aplikasi Model Pembelajaran

Aplikasi model pembelajaran ini berbasis android sehingga memudahkan para guru untuk mengenali dan merancang serta melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar yang sistematis dengan pola atau model pembelajaran yang sudah ada dan diakui pada lingkup international.

Model pembelajaran merupakan suatu perencanaan atau suatu pola yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam merencanakan pembelajaran di kelas. Model pembelajaran mengacu pada pendekatan pembelajaran yang akan digunakan, termasuk di dalamnya tujuan-tujuan pengajaran, tahap-tahap dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, lingkungan pembelajaran, dan pengelolaan kelas (Arends dalam Trianto, 2010: 51).

Sedangkan menurut Joyce & Weil (1971) dalam Mulyani Sumantri, dkk (1999: 42) model pembelajaran adalah kerangka konseptual yang melukiskan prosedur yang sistematis dalam mengorganisasikan pengalaman belajar untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tertentu, dan memiliki fungsi sebagai pedoman bagi para perancang pembelajaran dan para pengajar dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan aktifitas belajar mengajar.

Berdasarkan dua pendapat di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran adalah kerangka konseptual yang melukiskan prosedur sistematik dalam mengorganisasikan pengalaman belajar untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tertentu dan berfungsi sebagi pedoman bagi perancang pembelajaran dan para guru dalam merancang dan melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar.

40 model pembelajaran yang ada pada isi aplikasi model pembelajaran ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Blok A.
1. Examples Non Examples
2. Numbered Heads Together
3. Cooperative Script
4. Kepala Bernomor Struktur
5. Student Teams Achievement – Divisions (STAD)
6. Jigsaw
7. Problem Based Indtroduction (PBI)
8. Artikulasi
9. Mind Mapping
10. Make a Match

Blok B
11. Pair and Share (Frank Lyman, 1985)
12. Debate
13. Role Playing
14. Group Investigation (Sharan, 1992)
15. Talking Stick
16. Bertukar Pasangan
17. Snowball Throwing
18. Student Facilitator and Explaining
19. Course Review Horay
20. Demonstration

21. Mind Mapping
22. Picture and Picture
23. Explicit Instruction
24. Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC)
25. Inside-Outside-Circle (Lingkaran Kecil-Lingkaran Besar)
26. Tebak Kata
27. Tari Bambu
28. Koperatif (CL, Cooperative Learning)
29. Kontekstual (CTL, Contextual Teaching and Learning)
30. Realistik (RME, Realistic Mathematics Education)

31. SAVI
32. TGT (Teams Games Tournament)
33. Word Square
34. Scramble
35. Take and Give
36. Concept Sentence
37. Complete Sentence
38. Time Token
39. Keliling Kelompok
40. Dua Tinggal Dua Tamu (Two Stay Two Stray) Applications android-based learning model is making it easier for teachers to identify and design and implement a systematic learning process to pattern or model of learning that already exists and is recognized in the international sphere.

The learning model is a plan or a pattern that is used as a guide in learning in the classroom. The learning model refers to a learning approach that will be used, including the purposes of teaching, the stages in the learning activities, learning environment and classroom management (Arends in Trianto, 2010: 51).

Meanwhile, according to Joyce & Weil (1971) in Mulyani Sumantri, et al (1999: 42) learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve certain learning, and has a function as a guideline for the designers of learning and teachers in planning and implementing teaching and learning activities.

Based on the two opinions above, it can be concluded that the learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure for organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives and functions as a guide for learning designers and teachers in designing and implementing the learning process.

40 existing learning model on the contents of the application of this learning model is as follows:

Block A.
1. Examples Non-Examples
2. Numbered Heads Together
3. Cooperative Script
4. Numbered Head Structure
5. Student Teams Achievement - Divisions (STAD)
6. Jigsaw
7. Problem Based Indtroduction (PBI)
8. Articulation
9. Mind Mapping
10. Make a Match

block B
11. Pair and Share (Frank Lyman, 1985)
12. Debate
13. Role Playing
14. Group Investigation (Sharan, 1992)
15. Talking Stick
16. Swapping Partners
17. Throwing Snowball
18. Student Facilitator and Explaining
19. Course Review Horay
20. Demonstration

21. Mind Mapping
22. Picture and Picture
23. Explicit Instruction
24. Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC)
25. Inside-Outside-Circle (Small Circle-Circle Large)
26. Guess the word
27. Bamboo Dance
28. Cooperative (CL, Cooperative Learning)
29. Contextual (CTL, Contextual Teaching and Learning)
30. Realistic (RME, Realistic Mathematics Education)

31. SAVI
32. TGT (Teams Games Tournament)
33. Word Square
34. Scramble
35. Take and Give
Concept 36. Sentence
37. Complete Sentence
38. Time Token
39. Roving Group
40. Two Stay Two Guest (Two Stay Two Stray)

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