Trick Dream Leagu Soccer 2017 for Android
At the point when your players is to protect, squeeze and hold the catch B, the player puts weight on the ball, while holding the catch to make it play a slide tackle. This two, have a go at utilizing the catches B rather than catch in the event that you need the ball in your possession. With slide tackle, the chance of tripping someone the and for this your players can get yellow cards or a notice by the referee.
By holding the catch B, the player you just put more weight on his enemies and can definitely have a ball without stumbling for him. At the point when your rival has the ball, move the controlled player to him while squeezing and holding B to catch to put weight on the ball. The transfer sharp AI take the nearest player, but you can press the catch C to select the player that you need to take control and move him into the direction of the enemy cooperative person.
2. Choose the Type of Camera to improve the View of the Field
In the transfer of the camera assumes a vital part in providing the best perspective of the field and some way or another that can help you keep an eye on and control better players. Every gamer has his own special camera decision. I am very open to control my players, passing and shooting in "Moonlighting" and "Objective Purpose" camera.
To change the type of camera, Press "My Profile" in the top right corner of the screen and pressing the "Transfer Settings". Tap on the bolt to change the "Type of Camera". Choose the transfer-the camera that suits your playing style and help you to control and supervise the better player. Just make sure you work on the play by choosing the style of the camera is in "Preparing Mode" before playing, original entertainment.
Try different things with the various camera points and choose the one that gives a much better view and gives you the opportunity to control you a better player. You may also need to change the camera separation. 100 percent camera separation will minimize the although 0% will zoom into the field. Modify the camera separation by setting a 50 per cent. Though, on the off chance that you need is very close to the perspective of your players, then you can set it to 0 percent.
3. Explore different avenues regarding the B and C Buttons to Score a Goal
At the point when you have a player the ball and he is close to his goal, do whatever it takes not to press and hold the capture for a longer time. In the event that you are really near extra shot region, then simply press and hold until the peak meter of 15-20 percent. Usually I just knock on the catch to shoot if my players are getting close to the crate.
Squeeze and hold the catch the more drawn out time will make the player shoot the ball the route destination. Separation and the point is important so utilize capture precisely when moving the player you utilize a virtual simple stick. On the other hand, you can press B to catch to make the player shoot around his feet. You can also have a go at tapping C to capture the shot chip. To take a stab at exploring different avenues regarding the catch B and C to score the goal in the Training Mode first and once you are OK with the shooting part, start playing the alliance game.