About Snapsen
Snapsen is a digital songbook app which allows you to view, search and filter songs from various songbooks.
At the moment Snapsen comes with Teknologföreningens Nya Sångbok and Otaniemi Lauluwiki, with more to come. Contact me if you wish to add your songbook to the app!
Android version available in the Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.snapsen
iOS version can be installed by:
- Downloading the Expo Client from the App store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/expo-client/id982107779?mt=8
- Scanning the following QR code with the Expo Client: https://expo.io/@fruitiex/snapsen
by Z####:
Amazing app with mind-blowning features. Better than Instagram!