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울산광역시 북구 호계로 309-19, 유치원 소개, 반별 교육과정, 갤러리 수록.
연간교육계획안, 원아모집 안내. Good evening.
To be the most comfortable place in the world, home is where you need the most happiness
Best place to be fun in the world, where you will be the most growth
I called kindergarten.
The role of parents Just as the foundation for a happy life for children
Living in kindergarten myeongsin receive a gift the key to happiness
I will be a valuable opportunity.
Happy childhood can not be reversed, faster than any time
Since discard the past to understand the fact that the parents and the myeongsin
Making our children together, even as the years of happiness
Every day is a daily ongoing.
Thank you dear ties.
And I love you.
Ulsan Buk in banking and financial 309-19, kindergarten introduction, per class curriculum, as the gallery.
Annual training plan, kindergarten Application Information.