About ユーロ計算機:電卓・メモ帳機能つき
フランス、イタリア、ドイツ、スペイン、ポルトガル、オーストリア、フィンランド、ギリシャ、モナコ、オランダ、ベルギー、スロベキア、ルクセンブルク、アンドラ、スロベニア、マルタ、サンマリノ、バチカン、エストニア、アイルランド、キプロス Euro Calculator is a calculator that converts the euro area of currency is the euro (EUR) to Japanese Yen.
Using the network communication, and conversion to get the real-time exchange rates.
Network communication is possible, when traveling to the euro area, you can use from any local.
In addition, by pressing the button "Euro ⇔ circle", the conversion to the euro from the Japanese yen is also possible.
Since the calculator function is attached, it is very useful when shopping at the travel destination.
※ every decimal point of the calculation, it will be rounded.
By pressing the "region change" button, you can local time display of the following countries.
- Target 21 countries
France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Greece, Monaco, the Netherlands, Belgium, Surobekia, Luxembourg, Andorra, Slovenia, Malta, San Marino, Vatican, Estonia, Ireland, Cyprus