Tamil Kuripugal for Android
Very useful tips for health
Most items were deleted from the App.. ..i want them back....
I can't open kuripugal by category. It seems blank.
Some thing best, better news for us
Continue your service by giving useful informations
Very useful apps, thanks forall
Important nd useful app.
Very useful .Thank you
All are Use ful massege
Good information by Durai
Very nice
Very good
Not able to open anything
Very useful
After the new update can't see the page. List of the headings are missing.
I'm using this app past one year it's good in that times, now I update this lot of problems I can see information again, waste
The app does not contain all the new tips..pls update them
Had few issues in first download..but after reinstalling the app it works like wonder..! Great work !
New version is not working properly. Its not at all visible a page
Worst app..not to open..totally time waste..
New versions is not working properly
New version pages are invisible. I sent the screenshot photos in your email address.
I need more kurippugal and need improvement in the app please accept my review ????
It is very useful to me..thanks to Tamil kuripugal
நன்றி அற்புதமான மென்பொருளை வழங்கியதற்க்கு நன்றி!!!
New version can t see .page is blank
சிறிய குறிப்புகள் எனறாலும் மிக அருமை
Heart symbol not active.
Very use full tips
Messages are very useful but more ads are coming at the time of opening
not support this app why?
Very nice tips
Nice. But it is not shared by what sApp
Very useful tips
Very informative app
This is usefull app
No fast
New version not opened. Only white display comes. Older version good. So rectify it
by M####:
Please try to reduce the number of advertisers it displays... it is actually annoying... But the content in the app is good