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CCSs are skilled in classifying medical data from patient records, generally in a hospital setting. These coding practitioners: Review patients’ records and assign numeric codes for each diagnosis and procedure, Possess expertise in the ICD-10-CM and CPT coding systems, Are knowledgeable about medical terminology, disease processes, and pharmacology.
Different facilities and institutions make use of a CCSs' skills:
Hospitals and medical providers take the coded data created by CCSs to insurance companies—or to the government in the case of Medicare and Medicaid recipients—for reimbursement of expenses
Researchers and public health officials also use this data to monitor patterns and explore new interventions
Coding accuracy is highly important to healthcare organizations, and has an impact on revenues and describing health outcomes. In fact, certification has become an implicit industry standard. Accordingly, the CCS credential demonstrates a practitioner's tested data quality and integrity skills, and mastery of coding proficiency. Professionals experienced in coding inpatient and outpatient records should consider obtaining this certification.
Multiple Choice Section- The multiple choice section will consist of 97 single response multiple-choice items (79 "scored" and 18 "pre-test" items). Pre-test items are unscored items that are included in the examination to assess the item's performance prior to using it for operational use in a future examination. The pre-test items are scrambled randomly throughout the examination and do not count toward the candidate's score.
Medical Scenarios – The medical scenarios will consist of 8 scenarios (6 scored/ 2 pre-test); each scenario will have up to three separate questions. They will require candidates to pick from a range of codes/ list to answer each question.
The total testing time for the exams is 4 hours.
The course is accredited by NCCA.
Enjoy the app and pass your Certified Coding Specialist, AHIMA, CCS, NCCA exam effortlessly!
All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners. This application is an educational tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.
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