SJ로밍 for Android
[APP 소개]
1. SJ로밍 APP 설치
2. SJ로밍 실행
3. 주소록 동기화 실시
4. 해외 SIM 상품 선택
5. Dial화면에서 상대방번호 입력 or 주소록에서 선택
6. SJ Call
7. 통화 연결
Serviced by Sejoong Information Technology Co.,Ltd.
개발자 연락처 :
[APP About]
1. SJ roaming APP installation
2. SJ roaming Run
3. Address Book synchronization carried
4. Select products overseas SIM
5. Select from Address Book or enter the other numbers in the Dial screen
6. SJ Call
7. Call
© SJIT · SJroaming
Serviced by Sejoong Information Technology Co., Ltd.