About 私资讯
私资讯是一款提供两性知识的 APP,内容包括两性健康、养生保健、婚姻与家庭等方面,私资讯亦提供强大的搜索功能,可以查找不少平时难以启齿的隐私话题。此外,私资讯还收集了不少搞笑段子和优质图集,在学习健康养生知识的同时还可以增添一些乐趣。 Private information is to provide a knowledge of gender APP, including gender health, health care, marriage and the family, etc., private information also provides a powerful search function, you can usually find a lot of unspeakable privacy topic. In addition, the private information is also collected a lot of comedy scripts and portfolio quality, health, health knowledge, learning also can add some fun.