About 龍門食棧
龍門食棧是位於香港觀塘工業區的便餐專門店 - 我們提供港式歐陸早餐、 四川麻辣風味餐、日式手打烏冬、特式鐵板焗飯、滋味醉雞及意式咖啡等的經濟美食,提供外賣及私人派對包場服務。
Key words:
Hong Kong, dining, openrice, Hungry King, open, rice, food guide, HK, cuisine, Menu, delivery, take away Dragon food stack is located in Hong Kong's Kwun Tong industrial meals shop - we provide Hong Kong-style continental breakfast, Sichuan spicy style meals, Japanese Udon, Typical iron baked rice, chicken cooked with wine and espresso flavors, such as economic food, takeaway and private parties for private use services.
Key words:
Hong Kong, dining, openrice, Hungry King, open, rice, food guide, HK, cuisine, Menu, delivery, take away