About 扇贝读书
是不是买了很多译著版本, 是不是很讨厌翻译腔?
买了原版书, 可是你真的读完了吗?
不, 这些都不是真的。
扇贝读书, 结合扇贝单词,这是第一次你真的可以读完一本原著!
这感觉,这收获, 你读完第一篇文章之后就能立即体会得到。
没有翻译,只有帮助, 就这样,第一次,磕磕碰碰地我们读完了第一篇
你会爱上阅读, 相信我,相信扇贝。 This is the history of the first paragraph can help you finish the first reader of the English original.
Do not miss!
Is not buy a lot of translated version, is not it annoying translation cavity?
Bought the original book, but you really read?
Is not always in the dictionary, is not feeling living death?
Is not feeling checked the words came out, was not always do not know?
Is all this dead cycle?
No, these are not true.
Scallops reading, combined with scallops words, this is the first time you can really read an original!
This feeling, this harvest, after you read the first article can be realized immediately.
Join us, is no longer the word back for the first time in English reading a classic article.
No translation, only to help, so for the first time, bumps way we read the first chapter
Be like this, we find that finally stood up the first time, rather than leaning on a cane.
The first time ever, the courage to experience.
You will love to read, believe me, believe the scallops.
by D####:
退出听书不能记录你所听的位置,下次打开又得重头开始听。啊 好气啊。