Iraq Newspapers for Android
اغلب الصحف لا تعمل او الاخبارقديمة
لعبت نفسنا من التوجيه السياسي سيئ الصيت و ما زلتم تجترونه!؟؟
Add more sources , the front is very small on tablet devices and there is no ability to change the front size .
أخبار تابعة للبعثيين.
فاشل لايستحق نصف ربع نجمه
Lack of sources Add more sources , the front is very small on tablet devices and there is no ability to change the front size .
Baath news أخبار تابعة للبعثيين.
by B####:
Biased and single opinionated views. Annoying and war mongering.