Kisah Nabi Nuh for Android
Mulai usia Nabi Nuh a.s 40 tahun hingga 950 tahun beliau mengembangkan ajaran-ajaran agama Allah s.w.t. akan tetapi manusia diwaktu itu tidak memperdulikan seruan dan ajaran agama Allah tersebut. Bahkan sebaliknya mereka memperolok dan bahkan membenci kepada Nabi Nuh a.s. sehingga hanya sedikit sekali yang mau beriman kepada Allah s.w.t.
Untuk hal itu Nabi Nuh a.s. menangis karena sedihnya atas keingkaran kaumnya tersebut. Selama ratusan tahun beliau menjalankan tugas kerasulan, hanya sedikit sekali yang mau beriman kepada Allah s.w.t. karena itulah Allah menyuruh Nabi Nuh a.s. untuk membuat perahu, karena Allah bermaksud untuk menenggelamkan kaum yang durhaka itu
Tidak lama setelah selesainya kapal kayu besar Nabi Nuh a.s. berhembuslah angin taufan yang sangat dahsyat. Hujan turun dengan lebat, mata air bersemburan dari mana-mana yang terus menerus tak henti-hentinya selama berhari-hari. Air pun bertambah tinggi dan bumi berubah menjadi lautan yang sangat luas.
Nabi Nuh a.s. melaksanakan perintah Tuhan, naiklah beliau dengan orang-orang yang beriman keatas bahtera sehingga selamatlah mereka dari banjir yang sangat dahsyat. Ditengah kapal sedang berlayar, tampaklah oleh Nabi Nuh a.s. anaknya yang hampir tenggelam. Maka berserulah Nabi Nuh a.s. "Hai anakku! naiklah ke kapal bersama kami, dan janganlah engkau menjadi manusia yang ingkar terhadap Allah!".
Akan tetapi anak Nabi Nuh a.s. menolak seruan bapaknya dan berusaha berenang ke arah gunung. Namun air bah segera menenggelamkannya. Menyaksikan hal itu Nabi Nuh a.s. sangat sedih, begitu sedihnya sehingga Nabi Nuh a.s. menyeru kepada Allah s.w.t. "O, Tuhanku! anak ku telah mati tenggelam, sedangkan ia termasuk keluarga ku, padahal Tuhan telah berjanji akan menyelamatkan kami!"
Allah berfirman :"Hai Nuh! sesungguhnya orang-orang yang durhaka itu bukanlah termasuk keluarga mu!"
Menerima firman Tuhan tersebut, Nabi Nuh a.s. dengan sangat takutnya meminta ampun kepada Allah karena telah berkata dengan tak tahu apa yang dilarang oleh Allah, yaitu meminta agar anaknya diselamatkan, padahal anaknya termasuk golongan orang yang durhaka. Setelah orang kafir ditelan oleh air, tinggallah orang-orang yang beriman yang mulai menempuh hidup baru dibawah bimbingan Nabi Nuh a.s.
Nabi Nuh a.s. wafat pada usia 950 tahun, akan tetapi selama beliau melaksanakan tugas kerasulannya hanya sedikit sekali yang mau beriman.
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Noah a.s. is the messenger of God who is the tenth descendant of the prophet Adam a.s. Sent by God s.w.t. in the land of Armenia. He taught his people to worship God, and forbids his people enslave themselves to other than Allah.Noah U.S. ranging in age from 40 years to 950 years, she developed the teachings of the religion of Allah s.w.t. but the man at a time when it was not considering appeals and religious teachings of Allah. On the contrary they are ridiculed and even hated to Noah a.s. so that very few are willing to believe in Allah s.w.t.
For that Noah a.s. crying bitterly on the denial of his people. For hundreds of years of his apostolate, only very few are willing to believe in Allah s.w.t. because that God sent Noah a.s. to make the boat, because God intended to drown the ungodly it
Not long after the completion of a large timber ship Noah a.s. berhembuslah very powerful hurricane. Heavy rains, spring bersemburan from everywhere continuous incessantly for days. The water was getting higher and the earth transformed into a vast ocean.
Noah a.s. carry out the Lord's command, he went up with the people who believe the ark so that they save upwards of a very powerful flood. Amid the ship was sailing, it was seen by Noah a.s. son nearly drowned. Then cried Noah a.s. "My son! Go up into the boat with us, and thou shalt be a man who reneges against God!".
But the children of Noah a.s. rejected calls from his father and tried to swim towards the mountain. However, the flood immediately sink. Noah watched it a.s. so sad, so sad that Noah a.s. God calls upon s.w.t. "O, my God! My son had drowned, while he included my family, since God has promised to save us!"
Allah says: "O Noah! Verily those who are lawless one is not including your family!"
Receiving the Word of God, Noah a.s. very afraid to ask forgiveness to God for having said, with no idea what is forbidden by Allah, which requested that his son be saved, when his son belonged to the transgressors. After infidels engulfed by water, stay faithful people who start a new life under the guidance of Noah a.s.
Noah a.s. died at the age of 950 years, but as long as he was carrying out his apostolic task that very few are willing to believe.
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