About Film Pro
„FilmPRO” to magazyn o sztuce, technologii i biznesie filmowym kierowany do profesjonalistów z branży audiowizualnej, ale także do pasjonatów kina. „FilmPRO” jest magazynem o charakterze edukacyjnym – jego zadaniem jest podnoszenie kwalifikacji czynnych zawodowo filmowców oraz poziomu wiedzy na temat produkcji filmowej u osób zainteresowanych tą tematyką, wspieranie rozwoju branży filmowej oraz promocja polskiego i światowego kina.
„FilmPRO” jest kwartalnikiem.
„FilmPRO” is a magazine on the art, technology and business of making movies directed at professional filmmakers and at the audience. „FilmPRO” is an educational magazine - its main duty is to raise qualifications of the working filmmakers, to
broaden the knowledge about film production, and to support the development of filmmaking, as well as to reach to viewers of Polish and international films.
„FilmPRO” is published quarterly. "FilmPRO" is a magazine about art, technology and directed the film business professionals in the audiovisual sector, but also for cinema fans. "FilmPRO" is an educational magazine - its task is improving the qualifications of the workforce filmmakers and the level of knowledge about film production in people interested in the subject, supporting the development of the film industry and the promotion of Polish and world cinema.
"FilmPRO" is a quarterly.
"FilmPRO" is a magazine on the art, technology and business of making movies directed at professional filmmakers and at the audience. "FilmPRO" is an educational magazine - its main duty is to raise Qualifications of the working filmmakers, it
broaden the knowledge about film production, and that support the development of filmmaking, as well as to reach that viewers of Polish and international films.
"FilmPRO" is published quarterly.