About Land Rover Srbija
Pred Vama je android aplikacija namenjena svim sadašnjim i budućim vlasnicima Land Rover vozila. Pomoću ove aplikacije možete da pogledate specifikacije novih vozila, zakažete probnu vožnju ili zakažete servis za Vaše vozilo.
Land Rover ima posebno mesto, značenje i težinu u svetu vozila sa pogonom na sva četiri točka. Sa preko 60 godina tradicije, ova kompanija je zauzela specifičan segment na tržištu terenaca. Jednostavno ako vam treba pravi terenac, Land Rover je najbolji izbor, a i ako vam treba pravi luskuzni SUV, opet je Land Rover izbor.
Land Rover je nastao u uslovima posleratne izgradnje i obnove kao automobil za sve uslove i pomoć ljudima u bespućima Afrike, Azije ali i snegom okovanoj Austriji. Za postanak Land Rovera, veoma su bitna dva vodeća čoveka britanske kompanije Rover u vreme posle II svetskog rata, braća Maurice i Spencer Wilks. Spencer je došao na ideju o novom modelu automobila, koji bi bio jeftin za proizvodnju i pouzdan. Za komercijalni početak priče, zadužen je Maurice Wilks. Maurice Wilks, provodeći vreme na farmu na ostrvu Anglesey, blizu obale Severnog Welsa, trebao je vozilo koje bi mu služilo za vuču i posao na farmi ali i za drumski prevoz.
Shvatio je da na tržištu ne postoji ništa što bi moglo da zadovolji njegove potrebe i rešio sa bratom da ga napravi. Rad na prototipu počeo je 1947 godine. Bord Rovera je bio zainteresovan za ovu ideju i ostavio je odrešene ruke konstruktorima. Prototip je imao aluminijumski karoseriju, četvorocilindrični 1.6 litarski motor sa 50 ks. Zahvaljujući promenama na hodu i prečniku klipa, obrtni moment je bio na visokom nivou. Menjač je takodje pripadao Roverovoj porodici, a sistem integralnog pogona je bio potpuno nov. Naime, Land Rover je imao sistem kvačila koji je omogućavao svakoj osovini da se okreće različitom brzinom, što je daleko korisnije na teškom terenu. Tokom 1948 godine, napravljeno je 25 vozila i poslato na finalna testiranja, a jedan primerak je poslat na Amsterdamski Salon automobila 1948 godine.
Publika je bila veoma iznenađena ovim vozilom kao i specijalizovana štampa, a ostalo je zabeleženo da je i sam Rover bio zapanjen dobrim prijemom njihovog prvenca. Zahvaljujući podršci, Land Rover je brzo stavljen u proizvodnju da bi ga dočekala velika potražnja i veliki posao u posleratnoj Britaniji i svetu. Inicijalna popularnost je bila tolika da je Land Rover u prvoj godini proizvodnje, duplo premašio broj proizvedenih Rovera (putničkih vozila), a da se takav trend nastavio sve do 60tih! Ostalo je istorija jedne uspešne marke i jednog legendarnog modela koji je definisao viđenje terenskog vozila i njegove upotrebe i promenio automobilizam za uvek.
Odmah po početku prodaje, Land Rover je dobio reputaciju koju održava do današnjih dana. Kvaliteti i terenske sposobnosti ovog automobila su postale legendarne, a visok stepen kvaliteta izrade znači da je oko 70% svih napravljenih Land Rovera i dalje na putu, što je najbolji rezultat u auto industriji. Današnja ponude Land Rovera se sastoji iz niza novih modela, dok se famozni „prvenac“ Land Rover Defender, može smatrati tipičnim Land Roverom, po dizajnu i po kvalitetu, upotrebljivosti i šarmu.
Zbog svoje robusnosti i pouzdanosti, Land Rover je službeno vojno i policijsko vozilo u mnogim armijama sveta, pa i u vojsci i policiji Republike Srbije. Za ove zadatke, fabrika je proizvela brojne specijalne verzije za razne potrebe. Bitan momenat u istoriji Land Rovera je došao 1970 godine, kada je predstavljen prvi Range Rover, odnosno luksuzni terenac, sjajnog izgleda i komfora, ali nesmanjene upotrebljivosti, koji je definisao klasu, postao enormno popularan i čak ostao preko 20 godina u proizvodnji. Možda je mlađim korisnicima aplikacije fabrika Land Rover poznata samo preko aktuelnih modela Range Rovera, Discovery-ja ili Evoque, ali istina je da je ova marka prisutna na našim putevima još od ranih 60-ih godina 20. veka.
Grand Motors - Land Rover Srbija tim Schedule a service or schedule a test drive!
In front of you is an android application designed for all current and future owners of Land Rover vehicles. With this application you can look at the specifications of the new vehicle, schedule a test drive or schedule service for your vehicle.
Land Rover has a special place, meaning the weight of the world's vehicles with all-wheel drive. With over 60 years of experience, the company has taken a specific segment of the SUV market. Simply, if you need a real SUV, Land Rover is the best choice, and if you need a real luxurious SUV, again Land Rover choice.
Land Rover was made in the conditions of post-war rebuilding and reconstruction of the car for all conditions and help people in the wilderness of Africa, Asia and the snow-bound Austria. For becoming a Land Rover, they are very important two leading men of the British company Rover at the time after World War II, the brothers Maurice and Spencer Wilks. Spencer came up with the idea of a new car model that would be inexpensive to manufacture and reliable. For commercial beginning of the story, is in charge of Maurice Wilks. Maurice Wilks, spending time on a farm on the island of Anglesey, off the coast of North Wales, should have a vehicle that would serve for towing and work on the farm as well as for road transport.
He realized that in the market there is nothing that could satisfy his needs and decided with his brother to make it. Work on the prototype began in 1947. Board of Rover was interested in the idea and left the designers free rein. The prototype has a aluminum body, four-cylinder 1.6-liter engine with 50 hp. Thanks to changes in the speed and diameter of the piston, torque was high. The transmission is also a member Roverovoj family, a system of integrated drive was brand new. The Land Rover had a clutch system that allowed each axle to rotate at different speeds, which is far more useful in difficult terrain. During 1948 and made the 25 vehicles on the final test, and a copy is sent to the Amsterdam Motor Show in 1948.
The crowd was very surprised by the vehicle as well as the specialized press, the rest is recorded that the Rover and I was amazed at the good reception of their debut. Thanks to the support, Land Rover is quickly put into production to meet him with a great looking and great job in post-war Britain and the world. The initial popularity was such that the Land Rover in the first year, twice exceeded the number produced by Rover (passenger cars), and this trend continued until the 60's! The rest is history of a successful brand and one of the legendary model that has defined the vision of all-terrain vehicle, and its use and changed motor racing forever.
At the start of the sale, Land Rover has a reputation that endures to this day. Quality and off-road abilities of this car have become legendary, and high levels of build quality that means that about 70% of all Land Rover and made down the road, which is the best result in the auto industry. Today's Deals Land Rover consists of a series of new models, and the famous "first-born" Land Rover Defender could be considered a typical Land Rover, the design and the quality, usability and charm.
Due to its robustness and reliability, Land Rover's official military and police vehicle in many armies of the world, even in the army and police of the Republic of Serbia. For these tasks, the factory has produced many special versions for different needs. An important moment in the history of the Land Rover came in 1970, when it introduced the first Range Rover and luxury SUV, great looks and comfort, but undiminished usability, which is defined by a class, became enormously popular and even stayed for over 20 years in production. Perhaps the younger users of the application factory Land Rover is known only through the current model Range Rover, Discovery-I or Evoque, but the truth is that this brand is present on our roads since the early 60s of the 20th century.
Grand Motors - Land Rover Serbian team
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