About 教師限定SNS・SENSEI NOTE(センセイノート)
◆質問解答率99% ・平均回答数は7件
◆SENSEI NOTE(せんせいのーと)が提供する教員同士の横のつながりから生まれる可能性に期待しています。また、外部の最新情報も入手できるため重宝しています。(新潟県 小学校)
◆やりたいことも、不安も悩みもたくさんある教員1年目。相談できる先輩にも、議論できる同僚にも、次の授業のアイディアにも、たくさん出会えるのがSENSEI NOTEです。現場の想いを各々が持ち寄ってつながっていければと思います。(福島県 中学校)
- アップした学級通信に反応が来る。生徒指導で悩んだ時には親身なアドバイスがくる。授業や学級通信で使えるネタが拾える。業務を効率化するツールが手に入る。SENSEI NOTEのおかげで、全国の先生と、広くつながることができます。(愛知県 高校)
■ お問い合わせ・不具合の報告
レビュー欄に不具合やご要望を頂戴してもお答えすることができないため、上記のメールよりご連絡いただけますと幸いです。 ◆ teacher only No need to worry about the eyes of parents and students because there is a screening system which can not be used
◆ question answer rate of 99% · The average number of responses 7
◆ large number posted such as Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Toyo Keizai
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◼️ teacher of voice
◆ SENSEI NOTE (the teacher of over) and we look forward to the possibility of born from the side of the connection of the faculty each other provides. In addition, it has also come in handy because you can get outside of the latest information. (Elementary school Niigata Prefecture)
◆ also want to do, teachers first year that a lot nor worries anxiety. Even seniors to be able to consult, to colleagues that can be discussed, also in the idea of the next lesson, it is that meet a lot SENSEI NOTE. The feelings of the site you and I hope we can connected to each Mochiyo~tsu. (Fukushima Prefecture junior high school)
- Reaction comes to the up the class communication. A caring advice comes when you've worried about student guidance. And pick up a story that can be used in teaching and classroom communication. Tool to streamline the business can get. Thanks to the SENSEI NOTE, and teachers across the country, it can lead widely. (Aichi Prefecture High School)
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◼️ use example
Get advice from national teacher ◆
It is difficult to consult within the school, can not find information when you search on the net and books, I want to hear more ideas. If this happens, just try to take advantage of the "question board". National teacher makes your troubles and challenges, doubts eagerly responded. Seniority since it is not has been very flat exchange. You can also question of anonymously if you do not want to publish the personal name.
To consult the ◆ of other teacher materials
Macro file training materials etc .... to use for the lesson plan worksheet-class communications and KoTsutomu segregation Teacher who was not able to know until this is can be accessed in an instant to the document that you created. It is also possible to modify and use to download the file.
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◼️ Recommended for teacher
◆ you are worried about it should be any classes in special activities and comprehensive learning
◆ teacher to teacher a special support and guidance through grade classroom facing the students with ADHD · Asperger's, autism, blind, deaf, etc., characteristic
◆ I want to know about student guidance and Classroom Management Home Room · HR · Long Home Room · LHR · Gakukatsu-bullying
◆ to streamline the business of performance management and rota and scoring, report cards, attendance, attendance management, attendance management, Seki-gae-class KoTsutomu support and Academic support relationship and communications
◆ how to proceed with school events such as sports day, excursions and cultural festival, school trips, student council, entrance ceremony, graduation ceremony
◆ ICT such as electronic blackboard, Roironoto (and over the Roiro) - information of tablet apps that can be used in the classroom, such as a flash card
◆ The exchange MOOC, reversal learning, active learning, adaptive learning, etc., on the latest trends in education
◆ interviewed more than 20 jobs to help career guidance about 8 minutes of career education for the content
◆ create a problem of regular tests such as intermediate test and final exam
◆ small test self-study, reading aloud teaching materials to use in class
There are no counselor around ◆ starting salary of teacher
◆ only problem Collection seeking your own print is not enough stuff
◆ I'm looking for a blackboard planning and guidance draft-week plan, annual guidance plan
◆ I want to fix the habit of home learning homework to students
◆ high school teachers in charge of the English composition, English grammar
◆ I have been considering the introduction of exam supplicant-Aoizemi · eboard (E board)
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◼️ correspondence courses
Only from the subjects, such as no one in the school, it supports all subjects up to the teacher of the main subjects in that want to expand the width of the more knowledge.
◆ language, math and science, society, life, music, arts and crafts, arts and crafts, home economics, physical education and moral, foreign language activities, English, comprehensive learning and special activities, corresponding to any subjects of elementary school
◆ language, society, mathematics, science, music, arts and health and physical education, technology, home economics, English, moral, comprehensive learning and special activities, corresponding to any subject of junior high school
◆ language and contemporary statement, classical, world history, Japanese history, geography and contemporary society and ethics, politics, economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, earth science, health and physical education, music, engineering, calligraphy, English, home economics, information and comprehensive learning and special activities, corresponding to any subjects in high school
■ Contact & bug reports
for review column it is not possible to answer when you give me a problem and requests to, I hope and you can contact us from the above e-mail.