Sejarah Pengantar Ilmu Hadits for Android
Inti pokok dari karya beliau mencakup tentang; Riwayat Perkembangan dan Pembukuan Hadits dari Masa ke Masa hingga sampai ke Masa Terhimpunnya dalam Dewan-dewan Hadits yang Mu’tabar; Macam-macam Ilmu Hadits dan Sejarah Perkembanganya; Pokok-pokok Ilmu Mushthalah Hadits; Cara dan Shighah Hadits; Sifat-sifat Perawi yang Diterima dan yang Ditolak Riwayatnya; Sejarah ringkas dari Pemuka-pemuka Sahabat, Perawi Hadits dan Sejarah Ulama-ulamanya.
This application is taken from the book by Prof. Dr. T.M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy is a work extensively and in detail in the discussion of the History and Introduction to Hadith.The essence of his works include about; The development history and Bookkeeping Hadith of the Ages up to the period of gathering together in councils Hadith Mu'tabar; Various Hadith Studies and History of its development; Principles of Mushthalah Hadith Sciences; How and Shighah Hadith; The properties of the transmitter Received and Rejected history; A brief history of chieftains Friend, narrators of Hadith and history Ulama-clerical.