About UltraCloudDrive
This app provides a second completely independent layer of proven military/intelligence/security grade encryption (using AES-256) for information and data storage on Google Drive.
If someone (spy or hacker) gains unauthorized access to the cloud account, the contents of the account will be still protected by proven military grade encryption completely controlled by the user and contacts, and completely independent of the cloud service provider.
This app will need the support of our free app SecuredPGPCloudDrive to be installed on the device. Check the description of SecuredPGPCloudDrive app for more important information.
Traditionally, encryption has been cumbersome and confusing to most of people. The UI for this app provides a clear and simple way for user to get the safety and privacy of encrypted messages using the well known military/security/intelligence encryption AES-256.
This software app is written specially to suite legal professionals (judges and lawyers), police/security/intelligence/military officers, financial or investment professionals, politicians, senior business officials, senior government officials, diplomats, and political, freedom, democracy, or human rights activists.
Check our full line of serious secured apps for serious professionals:
- SecuredEmail for secured encrypted emails;
- SecuredGEmail for secured encrypted emails for Google gmail;
- SecuredOutEmail for secured encrypted emails for Microsofft outlook/hotmail;
- SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instant messages);
- SecuredMms for secured encryped MMS;
- SecuredVault for secured large data/info storage and transfer/sending;
- UltraTelegram for secured encrypted messages and attached files on Telegram app;
- UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages on Facebook;
- UltraWhatMessages for secured encrypted messages on Whatsapp;
- UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viber;
- UltraAllo for secured encrypted messages on Allo app;
- UltraInstaMessages for secured encrypted messages on Instagram;
- UltraLineMessages for secured encrypted messages on LINE app;
- UltraCloudBox for secured encrypted data/information storage on Dropbox;
- UltraCloudDrive for secured encrypted data/information storage on Google Drive;
- SecuredYEmail for secured encrypted email using Yahoo mail app;
- SecuredYMessages for secured encrypted messages using Yahoo messenger;
- UltraCloudOne for secured encrypted data/information storage on Microsoft OneDrive;
- UltraWeMessages for secured encrypted messages using Wechat app.
Each of the above apps is available for monthly subscription for the service of the app.
If you have a problem using this app after subscribing to the service, let us know, and we will help you out to use the app.
This is a serious app for serious people who have serious very important and high value business and information that need to be protected.
Privacy Policy: None of our apps collect, store, share, and/or transmit any personal info what so ever about the user and/or his/her device. Also, we do not use any third parties to collect, store, share, and/or transmit personal info what so ever on our behave.
(*) All tradenames mentioned above are owned by their respective companies.