SecuredPGPFacebookM for Android
This app works with android 4.4 and higher.
This is a serious app for serious people who have serious very important and high value business and information that need to be protected. There are no freebies here.
Check our full line of serious secured apps for serious professionals:
- SecuredEmail for secured encrypted emails;
- SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instant messages);
- SecuredMMS for secured encryped MMS;
- SecuredVault for secured large data/info storage and transfer/sending;
- UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages on Facebook Messenger;
- UltraTelegram for secured encrypted messages and attached files on Telegram app;
- UltraWhatsApp for secured encrypted messages on Whatsapp app;
- UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viber app.
Each of the above apps is available for monthly subscription for the service of the app.
If you have a problem using this app after subscribing to the service, let us know, and we will help you out to use the app.