About GPX KML KMZ Viewer on gps map
**Seawell GPX KML KMZ is simple to use to display and manage your Point Of Interest.
Ease of Use for Everybody!
GPX KML KMZ will import .gpx , .kml, .kmz files to show your gps track ,POI's ,interesting places ,waypoints ,placemakers.
***Files can be imported via Email or file sharing from your PC.
***GPX KML KMZ can import the POIs like markers,lines,polygons
**You can load all "www" generated POIs like:
Walt Disney World
McDonalds USA/Canada
Michigan Fall Leaf Color Tour
Yellowstone National Park
Offbeat Tourist Attractions
Niagara Falls
Yosemite National Park
Flying J/Pilot Travel Plazas
Walmart, Sam's Clubs, and Super Walmart Centers in the United States & Canada (GPX,KML,KMZ)
**Files import formats are GPX (a standard format used with many devices and programs, including Garmin GPS, eTrex, GPSMAP, Oregon, Dakota, Colorado, Garmin Forerunner & Nüvi series), Timex Trainer, Google Earth (.kml/.kmz), OziExplorer (kml/gpx), TomTom (gpx), Suunto X9/X9i (gpx), Geocaching.com (.gpx), FAI/IGC glider logs, Jeppesen, Navionics, Fugawi, Compass, Lowrance, Simrad, Raymarine.
*try a web search on the following Point Of Interest(POI) file categories that you can load easily on GPX KML KMZ
attractions - scenic drives
auto/cycle dealerships & repair