About VFD Lite
VFD Lite from SDTech uses Ethernet/IP communication over wifi to capture real time data from a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). The VFD and smart device would connect to a wireless LAN, and no other additional hardware is needed. Enter the VFD IP in the app and communication will start right away! There are two gauges one for frequency and one for current. This gauge layout will help in viewing where the motor is currently running in relation to VFD's max frequency and current. Current supported VFD's are Allen Bradley Powerflex family. Drive Requests will be added to the app on next update.
Key word:
VFD ,Allen Bradley, PowerFlex, control, Variable Frequency Drive, Motor ,speed, frequency, parameters, Ethernet, wireless
by V####:
Will you continue to add other VFD manufacturers? I use a lot of WEG CFW11 drives and would love a means of communication