Standard Chartered Mobile (ID) for Android
Just to check your debt. Nothing difference with previous Breeze app, since the phone doesn't have any fingerprint recognition facility.
Tmpilan nya dkit beda.. Dan tuk fingerprint hnya akan muncul bila hpnya support fasilitas trsebut.. Yg blm bisa jgn sedih yaa.. Silahkan ganti hp nya ke yg baru (support fingerprint)
Aplikasi paling tidak lengkap, tidak detail dan tidak berguna... Buang buang space dan waktu untuk download aplikasi ini. Sangat jauh dibandingkan aplikasi Bank lainnya..
Udah d update masih sama cuma beda tampilan. Gak muncul fingernya d hp sony
Registrasi online banking untuk kartu kredit nya aja gagal mulu,udah pake fire fox pake chrome tetap aja gagal gmna gw mau login ke aplikasinya.
Tidak muncul Use Fingerprint, padahal pakai Redmi Note 3 PRO yang sudah ada sensor fingerprint, fitur sama dgn breeze dan web
Hp saya support fingerprint, tp kok login pake fingerprint nya ga muncul ya??
No finger print feature. Any hints to activate this feature?
Why touch login icon doesn't appear on Huawei p9
Fungsi fingerprint tidak nampak di Xiaomi Mi5.
heeey kok ga ada use fingerprint?
Can't login
Terjadi gagal login.. error code apalah apalah, saya kira password kadaluwarsa, akhirnya klik di forgot password dan mengikuti alur.. etac sudah diterima lewat sms sudah sukses ganti password, begitu login lagi ke breeze.. teteeepp error.. how how howw....
Let me safe a valuable 10 minutes of your life. Don't ever try to download this app. It just shows you how much money you owe to standard chartered. can't check your transaction details, can't check how many reward points you have. It says no transaction to display. All useless.
Nice app, but why the developer won't allow us to capture screen transaction as a proof that we already done the transaction?!
Jadi ga bisa login sekarang dan tombol login mati.. innalillahi..
Tidak bisa register dengan kartu kredit....dan aplikasi tidak pernah di update selama 1 thn ini..
Sudah 2x sy mnemukn error. Yg prtama katany krn di sistem tercatat sy tdk log out. Stlh sdh diclear kan dan kmudian sy gunakn bbrp lama kmudian tjd error lg yg sama. Capek deh klo hrs mhubungi customer service lg.
Errors with no specific reason. Begin with no etac receive, now can't login cause the login button is grey. Huft..
Cuman sayang blm nemu cara cek transaksi kartu kredit
Unable to push login ne fix it
Error in every two days. Must contact call center to refresh.
Keep on improving!
Hrs telp ke cs utk unlock
Setelah update malah jd kacau, balikin aja ke asal. Thanks
User friendly. It makes easy to access my accounts. Use different color for debit (red) and credit (green) for transaction look up. It's show up until 3 months transaction history. Thanks SCB for the app ^_^
Great application from SCB.. easy to use and very useful for SCB customers
Good app most of the time it errors for some reason
From UX perspective, I find the menu a bit strange. Functional? These are internet banking related, 1.There's a bug while submitting interbank trx after cut off time. 2. Given naration (that's given while creating trx) is not shown in account trx details. Instead, useless code is shown (only bank knows). Something basic that almost every bank has which eases user in tracing history.
Breeze belum berfungsi sempurna, tdk bisa utk transaksi one time payment maupun one time top up, pd "review payment" sll respon error 2000 di Samsung GTab 7.0+, maupun Iphone 4. Dgn internet banking bisa.
Loved it. Really feels like having a private atm..
Please add a menu to make financial trx such as ; fund transfer, etc.
Overal keren abis tampilannya. Great job!
Please make all the function available. Going forward please make it still lite and easy to use.
A simple, easy-use, yet very handful apps for doing banking transaction. Standard Chartered has given a perfect service for its customers doing their daily transaction. I'm waiting for other great features such as fund transfer to other banks, mutual fund transaction, and this mobile web apps is going to be legendary.
This is great stuff, i can do transaction everywhere and anywhere i want uhuyyyy
Kalo bisa ditambah vitur contact us
Nice :), just wish the outlook/bars and buttons are not 'facebook' feels
by I####:
Kenapa tidak bisa login? Padahal via web bisa login.