About GLOBAL Wedding
Global Wedding於2002年創立,是香港首間為新人安排海外婚禮的婚禮統籌公司,我們秉承一貫以客為先的宗旨,致力為新人搜羅不同別出心裁的婚禮場地,當中包括近年非常受新人歡迎的關島,日本北海道,東南亞風情的峇里島,以及莊嚴神聖的歐洲大教堂。
Global Wedding apps除了方便瀏覽最近婚禮熱點及優惠之外,利用”AR”技術更可以將每一幅難忘的片段及影像放進相薄中,往後翻閱時一一呈現。又或以感恩卡送給親戚朋友,讓更多人一同分享歡欣。
欲知更多詳情,請下載Global Wedding apps,或者聯絡我們,我們很樂意解答你任何問題,及提供專業意見。
留空 ID 欄,並按下 ENTER 鍵,就能從測試帳號登入。 Global Wedding founded in 2002, is Hong Kong's first overseas wedding arrangements for the couple's wedding planning company, we always uphold the customer first, is committed to collecting different ingenuity for the couple's wedding venues, including the very popular in recent years, newcomers welcome Guam Hokkaido, Japan, Southeast Asia, Bali style, and the majesty of the cathedral in Europe.
Global Wedding apps wedding hotspots in addition to easy to navigate and offers recently, the use of "AR" technology can treat each one memorable footage and images into an album, the next read when presented one by one. Or to Thanksgiving card sent to relatives and friends, to let more people to share the joy.
For more information, please download the Global Wedding apps, or contact us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions, and provide professional advice.
Blank ID field, and press ENTER, you can from a test account.