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What are users saying about APK Extractor
Y70% by Y####:
incomprehensible to a new android user. Cannot understand procedure description. Copy ????? to sd card. This is new to me coming from Windows OS. I still cannot extract files from apk files. I have been trying for hours. This chromebook is either going in the bin, or out of the window, if I can"t sort it soon. Alan Russell I tried to submit this but SUBMIT button is greyed out. How do people work with this OS ?
Y70% by Y####:
Love it... I was searching for best apk extractor, i am happy, I found one !!
K70% by K####:
Love it... I was searching for best apk extractor, i am happy, I found one !!
by Y####:
incomprehensible to a new android user. Cannot understand procedure description. Copy ????? to sd card. This is new to me coming from Windows OS. I still cannot extract files from apk files. I have been trying for hours. This chromebook is either going in the bin, or out of the window, if I can"t sort it soon. Alan Russell I tried to submit this but SUBMIT button is greyed out. How do people work with this OS ?