About 夥伴雲
本app 需為台灣櫻花公司核可之合作經銷或供應商等合作夥伴方得申請,請事先向您的業務窗口申請帳號密碼。
1. 全新使用者介面
2. 提供線上查看產品訊息、電子型錄。
3. 活動訊息、公告通知、訊息收發。
4. 影音、照片分享。
5. 裝機回函卡線上回傳。
6. 集點系統,提供點數查詢與點數兌換。 Taiwan cherry company provides partners with a platform for communication efficiency, the use of this platform, you can keep abreast of the activities of the Taiwan cherry products and messages, you can also use this APP associated rapid business window.
This app needs the approval by the company for the Taiwan cherry distribution or cooperation partners, suppliers and other parties have to apply in advance to apply for your business account password window.
[System functions]
1. The new user interface
2. To provide online viewing product information, electronic catalog.
3. Activities messages, bulletin notification, send and receive messages.
4. The video, photo sharing.
5. Installed return reply card online.
6. Set point system to provide query and redeeming points.