About さかいで里山めぐり
① 山に登り、「山頂Check」をタップすると登頂を判定します。
② 「山しるべ」をタップすると、坂出市内の里山(6か所を登録済み)の情報を提供します。
③ 「山日和」では坂出市内の気象状況と登山の際のおすすめグッツを表示します。
高校生の作品ですので、本アプリをインストールしたことによる不具合などは免責とさせてください。 4th Sakaide Commercial High School Sumahoapuri!
It is an application that allows you to circulates the woodlands of Sakaide city, leaving footprints climbed! Enjoy install for free.
Go up to the mountain ①, and to determine the climb when you tap the "summit Check".
If you tap the ② "mountain guide", you are presented with the information (the registered office or 6) of woodlands Sakaide city.
Show me the recommended goodies at the time of climbing and weather conditions Sakaide city ③ In the "mountain weather".
It was created for the purpose of having or working to activation of Sakaide support and events to climb the mountain, to contribute to the promotion of health of citizens to provide information that will be helpful for hiking. Sakaide official character of the in-app "Sakaide mellow" is a license-pending with the cooperation of Sakaide.
It began this year, you can take advantage of the hill-climbing events "Sakaide woodlands Tour" also (Sakaide Tourism Association hosted).
I am getting using the API of OpenWeatherMap to obtain the weather information.
Because it is a work of high school students, please let exemption from such problems due to the fact that you have installed this application.