About Sai Kripa
Sai Kripa is a free complete and easy expense manager to help you organize and keep track of all yours expenditures and income and then have a full control of your Apartment
Indeed, Sai Kripa gives you , at each moment, your real financial situation and if you have enough money to make or if that spendings will have any impact on your end of month situation .
★★Moreover, Sai Kripa is an easy to use monthly expense manager: You just have to introduce punctual or recurring transactions or transfers and Sai Kripa will do all the rest
★★ The Expense Menu gives you the detail of your operations of the current, past and next periods to give you an idea of your monthly apartment expenses and also your projection over the next months to see how much money you have still available to spend.
★★ The Income Menu allows you to set and track Expense limits and thresholds according to various criteria .
★★ The My membership status menu gives you a calendar representation of your expenditures and income by month . It allows you to analyse find exactly when and where your expenditures will, so you can, if necessary, address the situation.
★★ For any question or suggestion, you can send us your request via info@valiantsystems.com. We will be pleased to answer you quickly ★★