About SAF Mobile NMS V4
SAF Mobile NMS is a free Android based client application for owners and administrators of microwave networks monitored by SAF Network Management System – SAF NMS or SAF NMS Lite. It is a handy and feature-rich tool that provides enhanced realtime overview of the actual equipment and network status via instant push-notification service. Combined with smart use of social networking advantages of mobile devices, it will help you to sustain a strong sense of control over mission and business critical microwave network environment.
As a user of SAF Mobile NMS you will be able :
- to receive informative and comprehensibly visualized instant push-notifications about active events in the network, its elements and segments. To avoid information overload, you will be able to filter out the notifications by four different severity levels of events,
- to browse your network structure, devices and alarms, as well as to search for certain devices by serial number, product type, product name, IP address via intuitive application GUI,
- to see an overview of monitored network elements, active alarms, monitored parameters. To effectively deal with alarm event, you will be able to quickly access the assigned interactive contact information (phone number, e-mail) and call or send a note to staff responsible for affected network element or segment.
App is compatible with SAF NMS Server v4.4
To get more detailed description of SAF Mobile NMS and its functionality, please download SAF Mobile NMS User Manual https://management.saftehnika.com/pub/20090304Svr4/INSTALL/4.4/SAF_mobileNMSv2_0_UM_EN_V1_0.pdf
To get more information about SAF NMS and SAF NMS Lite, please visit https://saftehnika.com/en/nms
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com.saftehnika.saf_mobile_nms_v4.android, download SAF Mobile NMS V4.apk