身材那点事 for Android
(Body Mass Index指数又称身体质量指数,是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准)
* Stature Calculator: Photo calculated in proportion to your body, or like Doraemon nine body as perfect as Pace lovely figure, a measured glance. Measure finished do not forget to share with Sina microblogging friends and Inner secret test Oh.
* BMI Calculator: data is calculated based on your gender, age, height, weight and other health indicators.
(Body Mass Index Index, also known as the body mass index, is currently on a commonly used measure of body fat, thin, and whether the health standard)
* Ideal weight: calculate the ideal weight according to sex, age, height and build values.
The * ideal body proportions: the ideal bust, waist, hip, thigh, calf, ankle numerical.
* In the low-intensity exercise heart rate: exercise to burn fat state heart rate values.
* Basal metabolic rate: the lowest heat consumption values necessary to sustain life in the static case.
* Calorie Calculator: Built nearly 500 common food list and movement, you can according to the actual situation of choice, calculated daily consumption of calories, and the basal metabolic relatively than you can know their own daily calorie intake is more or less.