Ruang Tamu Klasik for Android
Terkadang ruang tamu juga sering digunakan sebagai tempat berlangsungnya acara-acara tertentu yang skalanya kecil, seperti sebagai tempat pesta ulang tahun anak anda, atau sebagai tempat mengadakan arisan. Kebanyakan orang mungkin berfikir, ruang tamu hanyalah sebuah ruangan dengan meja dan beberapa kursi dan sofa biasa.
The living room is one room that has a very important function in building a house. This is because the living room is where you entertain close friends, family, or neighbors who come to visit you. Apart from being a guest meneirma,Sometimes the living room is also often used as a venue for special events are small scale, such as a birthday party your child, or as a place to hold a social gathering. Most people may think, the living room is just a room with a table and some chairs and sofas usual.