About Help Net
Farmaciile Help Net reprezinta astazi unul dintre cele mai puternice lanturi nationale de farmacii, retea in continua extindere, ce numara in prezent peste 180 de unitati, in cele mai importante orase ale tarii. Help Net este companie 100% romaneasca cu o traditie de 16 ani.
Ce ne recomanda?
• Peste 1.500.000 de clienti fideli;
• O echipa profesionista, cu peste 1400 de specialisti;
• O gama larga de produse - peste 30.000 de articole in portofoliu;
• Farmacii cu program prelungit si non-stop;
• Cea mai mare farmacie homeopata din Bucuresti - Help Net 4 (situata pe sos. Mihai Bravu nr. 128, langa statia de metrou Iancului)
• Serviciul telefonic Help Line Homeopatie (0745.265.299) - o linie telefonica unde specialistii nostri ofera informatii pacientilor despre remediile homeopate.
Aplicatia pentru mobil Help Net
Tot ce ai nevoie de la Help Net direct pe telefonul tau mobil.
• Gasesti rapid produsele in farmacia cea mai apropiata de tine. In functie de locatia ta ti se vor indica farmaciile cele mai apropiate de tine.
• Cumperi online din magazinul virtual Help Net si cu un simplu click esti redirectionat catre magazinul online
• Utilizezi comod cardul tau Help Net in varianta electronica. Dupa introducerea datelor personale in aplicatie, vei avea varianta electronica cardul de fidelitate Help Net pe care il poti folosi in farmacie.
• Gasesti usor spitalele si clinicile cele mai apropiate de tine cat si datele de contact
• NOU: Ai acces rapid la informatii de acordare a primului ajutor in caz de urgenta. Informatii furnizate de Crucea Rosie Romana. Pharmacies Help Net is today one of the most powerful national chains of pharmacies, continually expanding network, which has over 180 branches in most major cities. Help Net is 100% Romanian company with a tradition of 16 years.
What do we recommend?
• More than 1,500,000 loyal customers;
• A professional team, with over 1,400 specialists;
• A wide range of products - over 30,000 items in the portfolio;
• Pharmacies with extended hours and non-stop;
• Most homeopathic pharmacy in Bucharest - Help Net 4 (located on the sauce. Michael Bravu no. 128, near metro station Iancului)
• Homeopathy Help Line telephone service (0745.265.299) - a phone line where our specialists provide information to patients about homeopathic remedies.
Mobile app Help Net
All you need Help Net direct from your mobile phone.
• Quickly Find products in the pharmacy nearest you. Depending on your location you will indicate pharmacy closest to you.
• buy online webshop Help Net and with a simple click you are redirected to the online store
• Use your card handy Help Net in electronic version. After entering personal data into the application, you have the electronic version of Help Net loyalty card that you can use in pharmacy.
• Easy Find the nearest hospitals and clinics of you and contact details
• NEW: Do you have access to first aid information in case of emergency. Information provided by the Romanian Red Cross.
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