Vade Mecum Desportivo - Foot for Android
Outras informações: idioma português, suporte a mouse e dispositivos touch.
* Sistema operacional Google Android 4.1 pra cima;
* Tela com 720i de resolução e 8 polegadas pra cima.
Atenção: Os dados encontrados no programa foram obtidos nos sítios das próprias federações, além dos principais sítios especializados, contendo, porém, correções históricas de interpretações equivocadas dadas por algumas federações nas divisões inferiores.
Todas as marcas empregadas são de titularidade de seus respectivos clubes e donos, não havendo conotação comercial nem qualquer outra forma de abuso segundo o fair use e a legislação brasileira (Art. 132, IV da Lei n 9.279).
O Vade Mecum Desportivo - Futebol não possui propagandas e SEMPRE SERÁ gratuito porque é feito pela paixão e democratização da informação.
Vade Mecum Sport - Football is a comprehensive database of the world of football. In the current version, the program comes with the chips of nearly thirteen hundred teams and clubs throughout South America, condensing information such as name, shield, founding date and extinguishing, won the titles selected in order of relevance. The application will have future updates bringing more information for clubs, teams and players in world football.Other information: Portuguese language support for mouse and touch devices.
* Operating System Google Android 4.1 upwards;
* Screen with 720i resolution and 8 inches up.
Please note: The data found in the program were obtained on the websites of their own federations, as well as major specialized sites containing, however, corrections historical misconceptions given by some federations in the lower divisions.
All trademarks used are owned by their respective owners and clubs, with no commercial connotation nor any other form of abuse under the fair use and the Brazilian legislation (Article 132, Law No. IV of 9279).
The Vade Mecum Sport - Football does not have ads and ALWAYS WILL Free because it is made with passion and democratization of information.