About SmartNoti
Information forward and move forward with it:
Now you can follow the news of the major blogs in your region without much effort and still be notified whenever a new story is published.
It is truly amazing:
Whenever a major blogs publish a new news, SmartNoti charge to search it to make it come to you. All this in one way: simple, cool and innovative!
Powerful features:
The SmartNoti also allows you to control the frequency of notifications and also choose your favorite blog. We know you have your favorite media to stay informed about news from your region!
Get the news where you are:
We know you have many things to do during the day. Visit blogs to follow news is not always possible. How about letting the SmartNoti do this?
When you least expect it, something happens:
Being well informed is a must. And we know that the news can not take to arrive. Get notified where you are about what is happening in Brazil and the region.
Fully customizable:
Select the blog you more attached to their city and the frequency of notification you want.
Let SmartNoti your way!
Stay away from the rumors:
No one deserves to learn that joaquim called john. The SmartNoti display only the news of the best and most reliable blogs of your city (if registered) and the most visited Brazil.
Send your news:
With SmartNoti you can both receive and send news to the major blogs in your area. It's all very simple. Witnessed a fact? Select the blog and send the fact.
Download for free!
You do not need to spend anything to download SmartNoti and never need!
It is free and you can explore as you want. After all? It was made for you