Speech Calorie Counter for Android
First select whether you want to use a point based system or calories.
Next set your target for the day (i.e. 2000 calories)
Press the microphone and say a food or foods using "PLUS"
"banana 105 calories"
"banana 2 points"
"banana plus apple plus potato chips"
"banana 105 calories plus potato chips 150 calories"
(you can also use the keyboard icon instead of the mic)
Next confirm/alter the calories or hit the search button to look up calories for each item on the web.
Once the food is entered you can tag it as a "star" (fruit/veg) or "frown" (bad snack) by tapping on the calorie point column for it.
You can quickly exit the app by tapping on the right hand side of the food table.
Other features:
use graph/report button to analyze your data
use prev and next arrows to scroll through days
autoquit on/off to have app automatically exit after 10 seconds
listen on start to have app automatically listen when it launches
say or type "RESET" to completely erase your diary
--saying "one hundred" rather than "a hundred" works better with Google Speech
--speech recognition works better if you have an active mobile or WiFi data connection
--you can customize the quick calorie buttons under the "Edit" button on the calorie entry screen
--using the PLUS keyword works best with only 2 or 3 items at a time
Please give us some feedback on the Play Store if you have problems or any ideas for improving the app!
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