About Dalec
If you are familiar with our app "Alec Speed Pilot" then just think of "Dalec" as a non-retro higher-tech version of the same thing.
We have in Dalec ("Digital Android Late and Early Comparator ") stopped trying to stir memories , but instead presented the same (and more) navigation information in a display that is modern and uses the versatility of the Android device to its best advantage.
The numeric data, eg speed, course speed, minutes late/early, average speed etc. are displayed digitally, using colour changes to alert you of variances.
The only concession to analogue display is a "track path" showing the scale position of the car relative to where it "should be" (according to "Rally time").
Give it a try and see how you like it (it is also FREE) compared to Alec, and let us know which you prefer.
This initial version does not carry an advanced menu or Help system, but we will update it and add those reflecting your wishes and preferences.
Thanks you for your interest.