4G-NiceCall for Android
• 4G-NiceCall is a SIP-based soft phone. You can call your friends and family from 4G-NiceCall with lowest international call rates! And very good quality.
• SIP-based Softphone with exceptional voice quality
• Works from Wi-Fi/3G/4G/GSM
• Support for DTMF
• Easy contact book, call history.
In addition to your cost savings, we offers:
• Secure and reliable communication
• Compatible with VOIP switches supporting standard SIP
• Unique anti-block solution
• Option to brand own dialer
• Advance Echo Cancellation
• Flexible integration with your phone book contacts
• Screen display for your call history, call timer and balance
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বাংলাদেশ খুব ভালো ছলচে এক বার কথা বলে বুঝবেন । ভাই বলেন তার নাম 4gcall
good cad londonplus
by K####:
Cthhd nfh vft ygdycdxg fun h getting down.