Fondo Comerç for Android
Fondo Comerç desenvolupa la seva tasca principalment en un districte on gairebé la meitat de la població procedeix de l’estranger. Aquest resultat situen el contingent immigratori més recent del Fondo vint punts per sobre de la mitjana de la ciutat. Aquet districte és de llarg, el que té una densitat de població més alta (630 habitants/ha), i hi conviuen persones de 78 nacionalitats diferents.
The Association of Merchants and Professionals Trade Fund was created in July 2006 with the aim to stimulate and help the commercial sector in the district of Fondo de Santa Coloma de Gramenet. • At the same time as this goal Fondo Commerce establishes that others beyond the economic purpose and is linked to the desire to invest in the company you work with, worry about social issues and cultural affect their fellow citizens. This goal is what is known in the field of organizations, such as social responsibility.Trading Fund carries out its work primarily in a district where nearly half the population comes from abroad. This result put the immigration contingent latest Fondo twenty points above the city average. Aquet district is long, which has a higher population density (630 inhabitants / ha), and live with people from 78 different nationalities.