Aneka Resep Masakan Daging

Aneka Resep Masakan Daging Free App

Rated 4.18/5 (11) —  Free Android application by Kertas Kecil Media


About Aneka Resep Masakan Daging

Menu olahan masakan kuliner yang berbahan dasar daging sapi bisa diolah menjadi aneka menu masakan apa saja. Daging sapi yang merupakan salah satu daging pilihan sudah menjadi kebutuhan makanan untuk memenuhi asupan gizi bagi tubuh.

Berikut ini kami sajikan lebih dari +50 Resep masakan berbahan dasar daging. Keunggulan Aplikasi ini :
1. Dapat Dijalankan tanpa kuota (Offline)
2. Tampilan Praktis dan menarik
3. Aplikasi sangat mudah dipahami
4. Ukuran Aplikasi Tidak Terlalu besar, sehingga tidak membuat smartphone anda lambat. Menu refined culinary dishes made from beef can be processed into a variety of menu with many dishes. Beef is one of the meat of choice has become the need of food to meet the nutritional intake to the body.

Here we present more than +50 meat-based cuisine recipes. The advantages of this application:
1. Can run without quotas (Offline)
2. Display Practical and attractive
3. The application is very easy to understand
4. Size Application Not too big, so it does not make your smartphone is slow.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Aneka Resep Masakan Daging version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.resepdaging.kertaskecil, download Aneka Resep Masakan Daging.apk

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11 users