About 油基功課瀏覽器
- 同時支援多個用戶
- 相片儲存在裝置中,可以作為備份
** 本程式並“不是”由官方開發,只為方便各家長瀏覽子女每天功課,因此
1. 本程式並不保證<>所提供的資訊
2. 如<>網頁有更改,本程式可能不能正常運作
** 私隱
1. 本程式不會收集裝置中任何個人資料
tag: 中華基督教油塘基法小學 基法 油基 功課 eclass kei faat Download << CCC Yau Tong Kiffa primary >> homework photo
- Simultaneous support for multiple users
- Photos stored in the device can be used as a backup
** This program and "is not" officially developed just for the convenience of parents to visit their children daily homework, so
1. This program does not guarantee that the information-based method of Yau Tong << CCC provided primary >>
2. << CCC Yau Tong Primary School >> web-based method has to change, this program may not work properly
** Privacy
1. This program does not collect any personal information devices
tag: CCC Yau Tong Primary School Kiffa Kiffa oil-based homework eclass kei faat