Finland Emojis for Android
Umpisurkeaa kuraa käytettävyydeltään. Täysin käyttökelvoton, koska yhden hymiön lähettäminen vaatii koko näppäimistöprofiilin vaihtamisen. ?!? (Kuinka paljon rahaa tähän on käytetty??)
The keyboard doesn't work. It just lets you to post to FB or set the emoji as profile picture.
Hyvin toimii ainakin niin että avaa sovelluksen, valitsee kuvan ja sitten sitä painamalla sen voi jakaa esimerkiksi Whatsapissa :)
A nice idea, but the app is basically unusable. You can't use the emojis the way emojis are usually used, but you have to send them as separate messages. If the app accepts them at all that is.
Toteutus surkea.
Mahtava idea. Paska toteutus.
Really cool emojis
Love the idea. Hate the execution.
Put them in the normal emoji mixture, thanks!
I thought it sounded too tricky how one should use these. Did download them, but since they do not appear among the other emojis, they were left unused. I don't even know where to find then on my unit...
Idea loistava. Järkyttävän hävettävä toteutus suomalaiseksi!
What the hell are these? I have to change keyboard to use these, buhahahaaaa. Ei jatkoon
Love the idea. Hate the execution.
Wonderful concept and a great PR stunt but awful implementation.
Paska ja väärä toteutus ja tyypillinen suomalainen asiakaspalvelu. Käyttäjät haukkuvat alimpaan helvettiin — mikään ei muutu. Niin Finnish Emoji -style. [tähän laittaisin emojin jos pystyisin]
I was anticipating this quite much, but the images are same level that I did with paint in the elementary school and the usability is none.. sure, some of those are fine but those should then be integrated to already existing emoji collection. Idea is ok but the execution is really poor :/ second star is just because I'm a Finn :D
Like others say, it is a collection of images not emojis. Don't mind switching between keyboards if it actually worked but starts message over again with attached image. Fail.
Did you guys at reaktor even test this? For this to be even remotely usefull it should feature a normal qwerty setup with the emojis on different "shift" pages. Swapping keyboards when typing just does not make any sense... not to mention how badly this is implemented with facebook messenger which asks to select to whom you want to send this to every fraking time you send a message... Really Reaktor, you can do better than this piece of turd
Uncomfortable to use. Provide them in the Sticker Shop, please.
First, you have to change between keyboards to actually get to emojis. Second, you don't even get the chosen emoji on the message you were already typing but a new template to fill in recipient and compose message. If this isn't frustrating I don't know what is. Two stars just because I like the emojis, they are spot on!
Not real emojis, just a collection of images which works as a keyboard.. I didn't expect much, but it was a lot worse than my expectations. Just give us a package of images next time..
Not even gonna bother trying this. Put a little dev into and they'll be super popular.
What a misleading name, these are not emojis, just a collection of images. Why even bother, very difficult to use.
Put them in the normal emoji mixture, thanks!
I was sooo looking forward to emojis but only got a set of pictures.
I was looking forward to celebrating Finnish independence day by sending messages with these emojis. Like others mention, they are images, it collects data, and switching is a pain. Unfortunately I am removing.
It would be nice to be able to comfortably switch back and forth between the keyboard and emojis without having to go to settings all the time. Otherwise, I very much enjoy these. ^_^
Nice figures but usability is 100% poor!
Configuration was not as easy as should have been. Eventually managed to get emojis visible in edit but at least the Whatsup group chat crashed when emoji was tapped. If I switch to keyboard mode then it is impossible to get back to finn emoji selection. So, in practice, the emojis can't be used.
Idea is good... but usability... aivan paska!
Reaktorlaatua. Jos keskittyisitte enemmän QAhan ja vähemmän kaikenmaailman hipsteribloggaukseen?
Mahtava idea, mutta pilattu vuosisadan paskimmalla toteutuksella.On tää nyt jo aika surkeaa mainosta Reaktorillekin.
This is the most useless thing ever! I was actually looking forward to these. I wanted emojis, not humongous and hard to use stickers.
Application is not an emoji set, instead it's a keyboard. To use these, you must change between keyboards and thus this is almost completely unusable.
I thought the emojis are to be included in the normal Samsung keyboard, but no. Not going to use them now until this is fixed.
Usability sucks
Ei oikein toimi. Emojit pitäisi saada tekstin sekaan. Esim. tekstatessa jos yrittää lisätä kuvan, se avaa uuden tekstiviestipohjan ja tekee emojista mms -viestin.
Hienoa vektorigrafiikkaa mutta Telegramiin nämä lähtee rastereina mikä on huonolaatuinen ratkaisu. Vie tilaa puhelimen kuvagalleriasta lähetellä näitä. Osa emojeista on aika kieli poskessa piirretty, siitä 3 tähteä.
by H####:
Not what I had hoped for..????