DP BBM Jawa for Android
Gambar Kata Kata Bahasa Jawa Gokil Kocak - Apalagi jika mendengar orang yang berbicara jawa ngapak tentu lucu sekali buat saya, bukan menghina tetapi memang unik hehehe... Well, kita harus bangga dong dengan keberagaman budaya yang ada di indonesia. Jangan sampai bahasa-bahasa daerah kita terlupakan karena kebanyakan anak muda sekarang lebih menyukai bahasa gaul.
Gambar DP BBM Kata Kata Bahasa Jawa sering sekali digunakan oleh teman-teman yang mengerti lelucon bahasa jawa. Maka dari itu penulis mendapatkan inspirasi untuk mengumpulkan gambar-gambar lucu gokil yang menggunakan bahasa jawa agar teman-teman semua dimudahkan untuk mendapatkan hiburan yang kocak sekali.
Selain dapat dijadikan Display Picture BBM, aplikasi ini juga memiliki fitur lainya seperti :
Fitur Aplikasi
- Bisa jadi wallpaper
- Dapat dibagikan atau dishare kejejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram dan sebagainya
- Gambar Dp didalamnya juga dapat di simpan di smartphone atau tablet Android kamu.
- Ukuran app kecil
- Terdapat 100 & akan terus di update DP JAWA Lucu
Note: Hanya bisa di jalankan online
DP BBM Java - Java Language Picture DP Fuel Funny Harleys, Image Words Ngapak Java language, the Java Language Picture Words Kocak. Java language is very popular, especially the region of Central Java and East Java which is majority ethnic areas of Java. However, many ethnic Javanese migrants or descendants of Javanese who live in other areas is what makes the Java language often heard by many people. Apart from all the Java language is unique, not just the Java language anyway ... all the regional languages have their uniqueness, because the author is a descendant of Javanese people who live dilampung so yeah kinda understand the vocabulary of the Java language.Image Words Java language Harleys Kocak - Especially if you hear people speaking Java ngapak necessarily funny to me, but it does not insult the unique hehehe ... Well, we should be proud dong with cultural diversity in Indonesia. Do not let the local languages we are forgotten because most young people now prefer slang.
Figure DP BBM Words Java language often used by friends who understand jokes Javanese language. Thus the authors get inspired to collect the cute pictures gokil that uses the Java language so that all my friends are permitted to get a very funny entertainment.
Besides being able to be used as Display Picture BBM, the application also has other features such as:
features Applications
- Could be wallpaper
- Can be distributed or shared social kejejaring such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
- Picture Dp therein can also be stored on your Android smartphone or tablet.
- The size of a small app
- There are 100 and will continue to be updated DP JAVA Funny
Note: It can only be run online