About Family Age Calculator
1. Keeps the birthday information of your family members, relatives or friends in your device.
2. On the basis of provided birth date, it calculates the age in years, months and days.
3. It displays the day and remaining days of next birthday.
4. It saves all the provided information in local app cache, so when you open this app next time it automatically calculates the age and other info automatically. So you do not need to enter the same information again.
4. Store information as much as you want, no-limits until your phone storage is full.
Note: If you clear the application cache memory, the saved information will be erased.
For any suggestions, please connect to contact@rameshprasad.com
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Family Age Calculator version 1.0.0 on your
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com.rameshprasad.fac, download Family Age Calculator.apk
by S####:
Very nice app.... It's the best ever age calculator that I have seen